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Food Donations that Make a Difference: Right to food, right to live.


Sandeep Sehgal (WITH HELP POINT NGO) began its journey of development with nutritionally vulnerable Korku tribe of Delhi being troubled by scores of their children dying of malnutrition. The years of observations, studies and community learning revealed that ghastly household hunger gnawed at the doorsteps of most of the poor ready to devour more children. The Hunger scenario has loomed larger and has assumed chronic character. The rapid acculturation of a hunter-gatherer tribe that settled at the end of nineteenth century has found it difficult to find the nutrition they had from their earlier habitat. The tribal millets too being forgotten the community nutrition is becoming worse and manifesting with more childhood malnutrition and deaths. 60% of their children under five underweight, 45% stunted and 30% wasted tells the story. Their language and consequently their culture are endangered too.

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